We are LIT UP to help women find confidence through empowered weight loss. 

No diets, supplements, or living in the gym.



Here’s the VIBE

A collaborative team of coaches who support real women, living real lives, through a real sustainable weight loss journey.  

We are creating a massive shift away from traditional diet culture. 

And normalize weight loss methods that create FREEDOM from food and scale obsession…

and encourage autonomy over one’s health and body. 


We believe that…

  • every woman deserves to DO LIFE in a body she loves.

  • strict diets and random food rules are ineffective long-term and lead to guilt, shame, and low self-worth.

  • weight loss that focuses on strengthening our bodies and longevity produces better results than dieting, and greatly increases our quality of life.

  • attaining a healthy body weight is about much more than calories in and calories out.  We must address total nutrition, mindset, and habits. 

  • humans are omnivores - at Keep It Off, we eat the plants and the meat.

    • We follow basic, old-school human species food - with some tweaks from modern science to fire that midlife metabolism.  🙂

  • generic meal plans create dependence on the person providing the meal plan.  Women are better served when shown how to plan their own meals in accordance with their health goals.

  • in helping women reach their health and weight goals through making informed and aligned choices.

  • every woman is capable of making the best decision for her health journey.  We simply provide the education and mindset tools that allow her to step into this ability.

  • when women feel better physically, their increased confidence positively affects all areas of life. 

  • true confidence is found when the body, mind, and soul are healthy and we’re living in alignment with our values.

  • every person’s path to wellness is unique, there’s no one size fits all approach.

  • weight loss at any cost (forcing the scale to go down by any means necessary) is mentally and physically toxic. 

  • we can best support our clients by helping them develop a clear strategy, the courage to act, and confidence in themselves to get the job done. 

Wanna see how we put these philosophies to use

- and create LASTING fat loss results?